
Repeat: OTB Breakfast

05:00 AM-07:00 AM

Repeat: OTB Breakfast

Serie A Golden Age Strikers, Zizou returns and Bale...out?

Raf Diallo, Ronan Mullen, Jonathan Higgins and Colm Boohig reminisce about Serie A strikers from ...

Raf Diallo
Raf Diallo

23:43 12 Mar 2019

Serie A Golden Age Strikers, Z...

Serie A Golden Age Strikers, Zizou returns and Bale...out?

Raf Diallo, Ronan Mullen, Jonathan Higgins and Colm Boohig reminisce about Serie A strikers from the 1990s and early 2000s including Gabriel Batistuta and more


With Gareth Bale's position at Real Madrid increasingly precarious, Joe Coffey and Killian Woods chat about how two of his team-mates have thrown him under the bus publicly and what we can expect from Zinedine Zidane now that he is back


You can also watch the Serie A strikers chat on YouTube: 


Read more about

Colm Boohig Gabriel Batistuta Gareth Bale Joe Coffey Jonathan Higgins Killian Woods Marcelo Raf Diallo Real Madrid Ronan Mullen Team 33 Thibaut Courtois Zinedine Zidane