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Repeat: Off The Ball

Munster player ratings

We rate the Munster players in Scotstoun on Saturday: Simon Zebo - 8 Solid defensive display in t...

Munster player ratings

Munster player ratings

We rate the Munster players in Scotstoun on Saturday:

Simon Zebo - 8

Solid defensive display in the first half and went looking for work throughout the match. Cleared his lines well.


Munster's Simon Zebo is tackled by Josh Strauss of Glasgow Warriors. Image: ©INPHO/Billy Stickland

Andrew Conway - 8

Chased box kicks all night and put in a shift in defence. Made a crucial tackle and slowed a Glasgow attack in the second half - giving away a "professional" penalty. Held up over the line late on but his efforrts led to the winning score.


Jaco Taute - 7 

One noticeable break aside it was a relatively quiet match for the South African. Held the defensive line in tact before being replaced on 56 minutes.


Rory Scannell - 7

Worked in tandem with his midfield partner to repel the relentless Glasgow attacks. 


Keith Earls - 8

Quiet enough first half but was taken high when attacking late on. Brilliant intercept at the start of the second half when Munster were under the cosh. Beautiful play to draw three defenders before passing to Saili who scored in the corner.  


Tyler Bleyendaal - 8 

Kicked competently thoughout and was put under constant pressure but kept his backline moving. One brilliant delayed defensive cover line stopped an offload when Glasgow broke through the Munster cover.


Conor Murray - 8

Targetted from the offset but kept his composure to manage the team to a huge win. The best "9" in Europe if not the world. 


Munster's Conor Murray tackled by Josh Strauss of Glasgow Warriors. Image: ©INPHO/Dan Sheridan

CJ Stander - 8

Led the forward effort against a committed Glasgow pack. Gave away a couple of sloppy penalties but made up for it elsewhere. 


Jack O'Donoghue - 7

Quiet in comparison to his back-row partners. Was caught out badly for one break in the second half but still played his heart out. 


Peter O'Mahony - 8

Did his bit around the park and kept his forward pack motivated in the face of constant pressure from the home side. A calming influence as the intensity rose. 


Glasgow Warriors' Josh Strauss is tackled by Peter O'Mahony of Munster. Image: ©INPHO/Billy Stickland

Donnacha Ryan - 7

Endured a difficult match from the get-go but kept his workrate high throughout. Will be dissappointed with how the line-out functioned. 


Jean Kleyn - 7

Put in a shift in difficult circumstances but was withdrawn in the 54th minute. 


John Ryan - 7

Was replaced after the hour but had emptied the tank by that stage.  


Niall Scannell - 7

Recovered from a couple of wayward line-outs and competed gamely around the park. 


Dave Kilcoyne - 7

Was a nuisance in broken play and made some hard yards. Replaced after 48 minutes though. 

Bench - 8

The bench played their part and reinforced the Munster defensive line when they were introduced. Saili made a telling contribution with the game-deciding score. 

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